Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mcdonald's Parfait Granola Nature Valley

"Let them say" ... let them say what they want, but Andrei Malakhov - the worthiest of the worthy.


Today, the program was devoted to the conflict between the foster mother and foster daughter. One wise man said: "Nothing is blacker ingratitude.»

That that said Andrei Malakhov on the air - this is a worthy example for all who love and honor their parents. Why am I writing about this? Yes, a very familiar situation.

Andrew, if you read my facebook, let me shake your hand and express their admiration. Many times I participated in your programs, but today's transfer proved once again that Andrei Malakhov - this is a decent man. I am proud to have the opportunity to communicate with you and greet you by the hand. Absolutely convinced that people like you, never betray their parents.

Thank you!

Sincerely Mike Samara, your friend and admirer of your talent and skill.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Craigslist, Insulin Pump For Sale

the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!

At the tomb of the unknown soldier

Tears do not wash my own
polished granite.
fate and time will not open
Heavy mystery - who is asleep.

But you, soldier, do not worry,
Let untitled you're a hero.
For the life you're not good-bye,
You simply did not reach home.

Moments, MIGA is not enough,
to knock on the door to his home.
But we now have such power!
you - we are, and you believe in us!

And if we come vrazhin,
and buried a sword over Russia,
I swear unflinchingly:
Ready to go with you next!

You go to sleep!
I went home to guard ...

Michael Samara