Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buying Malaria Tablets Kenya

If you come to pick children

Originally posted by [info] oleg_kozyrev at If you come to pick children
All politaktivistam, independent journalists, environmentalists, human rights activists and bloggers is essential reading. Useful text in case of misuse of the guardianship authorities.

Rule number one. In the flat commission may enter only in two cases - On your consent and by order of the prosecutor. No other documents from the series available to head the commission, certified stapyatyudesyatyu signatures and seals of three different-sized "does not roll and you can safely send the ladies out of commission by forest, and in case of perseverance - call" 02 "(even if with someone who had put on the form a policeman) with the phrase "my apartment crammed unknown.

Accordingly, as I would have done:
in apartment I would get resolved. But only after preliminary talks on the staircase, where:

- I would have tried to find the source of the "signal". "By persons unknown signals are not interested in me, and I fear further our pointless conversation with you";

- would ask the ladies to show their identity (And preferably a passport - but how can I be sure that your application is not going purchased and printed on a printer? Until the safety of their child I answer, and anybody I'm not going to let flat), carefully studied and copied the data. You can even call in custody from the mobile and learn, work Does there exist (all mums advise telephone care score in the cell in advance, just in case). Of course, they work there, but such actions will show that you are ready to fight back and "savvy";

- said that without the prosecutor's apartment, they have no right to enter, so they stay in your apartment - Your Grace, "so you can make sure that everything is in order, and to transform such visits into the system in your plans is not included.

After visitors crossed the threshold of your apartment, tell them: "You have to unshoed" - is an important psychological and strategic moment.

The motivation is simple: "I just washed the floor today and does not intend to wash up it again," and "I teach a child take off one's shoes when entering the house, and I do not think you should give him a bad example (if the child is at home). If you have shelves for shoes, ask for more to put shoes on the shelf ("Shoes should not be scattered along the corridor).

First, you prodemonstiruete that the house is supported by the proper level of cleanliness.

Secondly, unshoed people more psychologically vulnerable ("I'm sorry, and slippers, we have no guests).

Thirdly, to run away with a baby barefoot - is rather difficult:) (this is the question of the shelves ... yet in the summer standing slates on the floor stick his feet in a hurry you can).

Fourth, it can simply refuse to go. If they insist: "Then I'm afraid you will have to come in On another occasion, taking a change of shoes. In street shoes in the apartment for one is not. "

If it happens that someone decides to "stand in the hallway" - "You have to wait in the stairwell, because I do not want in my apartment were strangers out of my sight." And put the stairwell, PLEASE shut the door.

You can still get them en masse to wash your hands with soap and water - "We have an apartment so it is accepted and it is not discussed" (Also receiving psychological pressure), to prohibit the use the toilet on purpose - "You came here to work or to use the toilet on purpose? For the second courtyard is a blue booths, and our personal toilet - this is just our personal toilet "(I'm on the hygiene of the child care).

no visit at night time. "After 22 (23) My child is sleeping, and I see no reason to disturb the established regime of the day. Come tomorrow, after 8-00. " The next day, after such a dialogue send a care letter (registered, valuable, with a list of contents) "I ask in the future to prevent the commission of visits at night, because the child must observe the regime. " And even better - personally assigned, get a receipt of delivery in the second instance.

The apartment is important to prevent "spreading" the commission the rooms. "Please follow me," I would like you to go into that room did not invite, "" I'll show you everything, but run hither from room to room without my knowledge, no should, "" Tell me, if I have out of the room now lost gold brooch with emeralds - you're responsible? "and then in the same spirit.

all the shows, but better not to touch.

Permission for photography - your cause. If the apartment is in good condition - why not (but if you started to shoot up the issue to

you - actually I would not let you take pictures "), if in a bad (not removed) - politely and firmly ask to remove the camera, and erase the images.

On any questions, "Why pot on the floor" should be a definite answer, "We're so convenient."

If you grudnichok - in any case not to give him a hand all manipulations - only when the child is in your hands (ie unswathe - themselves, turned - for yourself).

Important: insist that the so-called "The act of inspection of premises was made immediately, if you, in duplicate, and each copy was signed by you and the members of the commission. It should not be be "empty space" - draw a line or fill in any gaps before signing.

If offered somewhere to go to the survey - to agree in principle, possible (though the best option - Provide a doctor's visit here), but the child out of the hands is not produced, to the doctor to go with him ("I have the right to attend for all medical manipulations that occur to my child "), otherwise (when you try to take away the power of a child in one room - unfold and go).

the Director of educational institutions to write an application with the requirement not to give the child to anyone other than yourself and spouse / grandma / nanny (with indicating the name), a statement to give a receipt on a copy - received, date, position and signature. Advanced notice of the same all tutors / teachers.

the threat of deprivation of parental rights does not react - it is very difficult to do, really.

Remember that the legal representative of the child - you and not care. This means that it is you are consenting to all manipulations with the child, and it is presumed that you are acting for the benefit of the child. And do not hesitate to call 02.

Politely refuse to accept "gifts" and "assistance" from. Reliably triggered the argument: "So many truly needy, it is better to give them, and we всё есть". Если "помощь" до вас таки дошла (передали через соседей и т.п.), ее лучше вернуть. Помните: согласие получать материальную помощь подразумевает consent to be ward, as well as tantamount to recognition of the parents to be unfounded.

Be careful in conversations with the commission, will never complain about that tired, that is not enough money for that sick in the family someone drinks that your child does not listen to what the state does not help you (and then "help"!). Remember, all Your complaint will be accepted as proof of your insolvency.

And more. If you feel that you do not deal with the situation, change the place of residence. Urgent.

Oleg Vereshchagin
Source: http://denolius.livejournal.com/271 854.html


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