Sunday, October 24, 2010

Patio Door Pinch Pleat Drapes


dreamed the second time in my life I realize that night, I was flying. It was different than the first time since I've turned me into a bird and flew over an ocean and a landscape dotted with windmills. Years ago. This time it was this: I walked down a street, I was heated and angry, the force needed to get out of me, so I ran. I ran as fast as it went, and all the energy was flowing through me, and suddenly I got up in the air. No additional flights nothing. I alone, the man was suddenly in the air, and floated around between roofs and treetops. But since I was still fairly new and worrying, I quickly came back to earth, where I once again over and over again tried to get into the air. And how it worked! It was not Supermanhaftes fly with outstretched arms and a flowing cape, it was easy, as if a man would have the ability to fly without additional tools. In the end I got a woman from a Bobbycar, but that's something interesting:) The part with the flying was awesome!


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