Thursday, February 24, 2011

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"Let them say" ... let them say what they want, but Andrei Malakhov - the worthiest of the worthy.


Today, the program was devoted to the conflict between the foster mother and foster daughter. One wise man said: "Nothing is blacker ingratitude.»

That that said Andrei Malakhov on the air - this is a worthy example for all who love and honor their parents. Why am I writing about this? Yes, a very familiar situation.

Andrew, if you read my facebook, let me shake your hand and express their admiration. Many times I participated in your programs, but today's transfer proved once again that Andrei Malakhov - this is a decent man. I am proud to have the opportunity to communicate with you and greet you by the hand. Absolutely convinced that people like you, never betray their parents.

Thank you!

Sincerely Mike Samara, your friend and admirer of your talent and skill.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!

At the tomb of the unknown soldier

Tears do not wash my own
polished granite.
fate and time will not open
Heavy mystery - who is asleep.

But you, soldier, do not worry,
Let untitled you're a hero.
For the life you're not good-bye,
You simply did not reach home.

Moments, MIGA is not enough,
to knock on the door to his home.
But we now have such power!
you - we are, and you believe in us!

And if we come vrazhin,
and buried a sword over Russia,
I swear unflinchingly:
Ready to go with you next!

You go to sleep!
I went home to guard ...

Michael Samara

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Stop whining. Appreciate what is there.


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If you come to pick children

Originally posted by [info] oleg_kozyrev at If you come to pick children
All politaktivistam, independent journalists, environmentalists, human rights activists and bloggers is essential reading. Useful text in case of misuse of the guardianship authorities.

Rule number one. In the flat commission may enter only in two cases - On your consent and by order of the prosecutor. No other documents from the series available to head the commission, certified stapyatyudesyatyu signatures and seals of three different-sized "does not roll and you can safely send the ladies out of commission by forest, and in case of perseverance - call" 02 "(even if with someone who had put on the form a policeman) with the phrase "my apartment crammed unknown.

Accordingly, as I would have done:
in apartment I would get resolved. But only after preliminary talks on the staircase, where:

- I would have tried to find the source of the "signal". "By persons unknown signals are not interested in me, and I fear further our pointless conversation with you";

- would ask the ladies to show their identity (And preferably a passport - but how can I be sure that your application is not going purchased and printed on a printer? Until the safety of their child I answer, and anybody I'm not going to let flat), carefully studied and copied the data. You can even call in custody from the mobile and learn, work Does there exist (all mums advise telephone care score in the cell in advance, just in case). Of course, they work there, but such actions will show that you are ready to fight back and "savvy";

- said that without the prosecutor's apartment, they have no right to enter, so they stay in your apartment - Your Grace, "so you can make sure that everything is in order, and to transform such visits into the system in your plans is not included.

After visitors crossed the threshold of your apartment, tell them: "You have to unshoed" - is an important psychological and strategic moment.

The motivation is simple: "I just washed the floor today and does not intend to wash up it again," and "I teach a child take off one's shoes when entering the house, and I do not think you should give him a bad example (if the child is at home). If you have shelves for shoes, ask for more to put shoes on the shelf ("Shoes should not be scattered along the corridor).

First, you prodemonstiruete that the house is supported by the proper level of cleanliness.

Secondly, unshoed people more psychologically vulnerable ("I'm sorry, and slippers, we have no guests).

Thirdly, to run away with a baby barefoot - is rather difficult:) (this is the question of the shelves ... yet in the summer standing slates on the floor stick his feet in a hurry you can).

Fourth, it can simply refuse to go. If they insist: "Then I'm afraid you will have to come in On another occasion, taking a change of shoes. In street shoes in the apartment for one is not. "

If it happens that someone decides to "stand in the hallway" - "You have to wait in the stairwell, because I do not want in my apartment were strangers out of my sight." And put the stairwell, PLEASE shut the door.

You can still get them en masse to wash your hands with soap and water - "We have an apartment so it is accepted and it is not discussed" (Also receiving psychological pressure), to prohibit the use the toilet on purpose - "You came here to work or to use the toilet on purpose? For the second courtyard is a blue booths, and our personal toilet - this is just our personal toilet "(I'm on the hygiene of the child care).

no visit at night time. "After 22 (23) My child is sleeping, and I see no reason to disturb the established regime of the day. Come tomorrow, after 8-00. " The next day, after such a dialogue send a care letter (registered, valuable, with a list of contents) "I ask in the future to prevent the commission of visits at night, because the child must observe the regime. " And even better - personally assigned, get a receipt of delivery in the second instance.

The apartment is important to prevent "spreading" the commission the rooms. "Please follow me," I would like you to go into that room did not invite, "" I'll show you everything, but run hither from room to room without my knowledge, no should, "" Tell me, if I have out of the room now lost gold brooch with emeralds - you're responsible? "and then in the same spirit.

all the shows, but better not to touch.

Permission for photography - your cause. If the apartment is in good condition - why not (but if you started to shoot up the issue to

you - actually I would not let you take pictures "), if in a bad (not removed) - politely and firmly ask to remove the camera, and erase the images.

On any questions, "Why pot on the floor" should be a definite answer, "We're so convenient."

If you grudnichok - in any case not to give him a hand all manipulations - only when the child is in your hands (ie unswathe - themselves, turned - for yourself).

Important: insist that the so-called "The act of inspection of premises was made immediately, if you, in duplicate, and each copy was signed by you and the members of the commission. It should not be be "empty space" - draw a line or fill in any gaps before signing.

If offered somewhere to go to the survey - to agree in principle, possible (though the best option - Provide a doctor's visit here), but the child out of the hands is not produced, to the doctor to go with him ("I have the right to attend for all medical manipulations that occur to my child "), otherwise (when you try to take away the power of a child in one room - unfold and go).

the Director of educational institutions to write an application with the requirement not to give the child to anyone other than yourself and spouse / grandma / nanny (with indicating the name), a statement to give a receipt on a copy - received, date, position and signature. Advanced notice of the same all tutors / teachers.

the threat of deprivation of parental rights does not react - it is very difficult to do, really.

Remember that the legal representative of the child - you and not care. This means that it is you are consenting to all manipulations with the child, and it is presumed that you are acting for the benefit of the child. And do not hesitate to call 02.

Politely refuse to accept "gifts" and "assistance" from. Reliably triggered the argument: "So many truly needy, it is better to give them, and we всё есть". Если "помощь" до вас таки дошла (передали через соседей и т.п.), ее лучше вернуть. Помните: согласие получать материальную помощь подразумевает consent to be ward, as well as tantamount to recognition of the parents to be unfounded.

Be careful in conversations with the commission, will never complain about that tired, that is not enough money for that sick in the family someone drinks that your child does not listen to what the state does not help you (and then "help"!). Remember, all Your complaint will be accepted as proof of your insolvency.

And more. If you feel that you do not deal with the situation, change the place of residence. Urgent.

Oleg Vereshchagin
Source: 854.html

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question to the lawyers.

Comrades Lawyers , tell me: am I entitled to 14 years to address the Constitutional court? I have a passport. It is written: a citizen of Russia.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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blind boy plays the piano their works.

Is it possible to look at it without crying?

will help blind people? >>>

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Day serfdom noted barbeque. )))

But since we decided to celebrate this day. Came to visit my sister and her husband. And we decided we were a bit pochrevougodnichat. )))

Long live the king, liberator!

tasty !!!!!!!! )))

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visited the Soviet Union. Then he went to the pharmacy for pills for heartburn

Bored all kinds of sushi rolls, pizza, jota, cola, forfeits and other poison. I go yesterday on Leninsky Prospekt, is named after the founder of the Soviet Union and the dream of my grandmother's pirozhochke. This, you know, cabbage or liver, with cheese or potatoes. And then look: a sign, and on it written in large letters "USSR". "What is it?" - I think. From afar не видно. Первая мысль: музей, наверное. Подхожу ближе.

Нет! Внизу мелкими буквами приписочка: «Кафе». И дальше «Меню СССР».

Ну вы бы прошли by? I go. At the entrance I was met by an officer of the NKVD. Inspects, but polite and malosloven. On the walls in the hallway all sorts of posters from the "Do not talk!" Before "Crash Capitalism is inevitable! "collective international - Russian, Caucasians, Letts.
down into the hall for a meal (so called). Here on the walls portraits of all members of the Politburo and Soviet newspapers. In the corner of pennants and banners.

On the tables are thick glasses. Ordered a soup, lobio, potatoes Since herring "Ivasi and a glass of compote of dried fruits.

confess, ate well. Everything was very tasty.

While waiting for the order, I settled down in one newspaper, and realized that in the USSR under Leonid Brezhnev was still the same objects.

Look at the headline in a newspaper. Teachers back in those days, arguing: "Putting "Two" to his students or not? "So, this dispute ancient and modern times has nothing to do.

Good cafe. Cozy. Went out into the fresh air, went further. The first thing I came across this poster.

After a while I started heartburn. Did not understand: either from the cafe, or on a poster. А вы как думаете?

Friday, February 18, 2011

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15:0 in favor of chess Queen. Alexandra Kosteniuk held simul

About the event We agree with Alexandra before the New Year. The only day that was able to carve it out of his busy schedule was: 18 February 2011. And this day come - 12-th World Chess Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk is held in our school simul. Without any exaggeration: it was a real chess festival.

Exactly at 10:00 Alexander arrived in Moscow school number 1239. Greeted her warmly.

In the hall together young lovers the ancient game. Issues was very high.

Alexander told the boys that is in its understanding of chess.

At the time, until the briefing was in the foyer school was ready to "battle".

What must be confessed. Each was hoping to play with the champion at least a draw. All were set up very seriously. Some noticeably nervous.

But chess queen warned once: favors no one will play - there is a game.

And here it is, a simultaneous game has begun!

Surprisingly, Alexander decides next move almost instantaneously. Look at this game - a pleasure.

course I wanted to at least from our school would play a draw.

at the table, for which play treteklassnitsa Ledneva Light, had sometimes linger a little longer. Serious rival. Alexander knows from personal experience that the age of the opponent does not matter. Once she herself in 8-10 years forced to grieve and adults titled players. Here and there, perhaps, sits the future queen of chess.

And this is the toughie. "Fought until recently. " Alexander was not even against the clues to his opponent. But the last player, alas, lost.

Total expense was 15:0 in favor of the 12 th champion World Chess Championship.

Semiklassnitsa Polyakov Vick, sighing heavily, joked that it was not a simultaneous game, and a simultaneous loss. But to play as play champion, you need very, very much work.

After the game Alexander handed out autographs to his fans, wanted to victories in the future. We exchanged good-bye to her with his books and have firmly decided that the meeting was we did not last.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

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It is Love and Friendship that will Save our World

Internet is a land with no borders or language barriers. It is due to the Internet, that I met a wonderful man, Trevar Langlands who lives in Australia. I would not say my English is perfect; still, I am trying to do my best to write and speak fluent English, that is why I study the language at a specialized school with an advanced study of English.

Trevar regularly sends me photos, videos, articles, and links featuring various aspects of life in the Green Continent. I, in my turn, share my news and developments in my blogs and the Live Journal. My friends in Russia are pleased to read this news and keep on asking me that I continue this interesting narration. It was just recently, that I received a whole package of souvenirs with several copies of newspapers and magazines from my friend in Australia. What I really enjoyed most of all was a flag of Australia. Now, in my room this flag is in the most prominent place, I show it to my friends proudly saying, that it is not that I just bought this flag in a Russian shop but it has been sent to me by my friend from Australia.

Now I made up my mind to gather a collection of the flags from all states. May this collection be a symbol of friendship between people, or just individuals from all the continents. People all over the world should not pay too much attention to the color of the skin or the eye shape. Our civilization has come to such a stage that now we realize: the planet Earth is our common home, with mankind being one large family. Let peace and people agreement rule the world.

Many of my blogger friends from various countries wrote to me to support my idea, and indicated their desire to send me the flags of their countries, counties, states, cities, and other inhabited areas. I would be very much obliged to all who will take part in this initiative. The idea is, that all these flags should not just be purchased as souvenirs, but they should come from the places where they are reckoned to be true value, not just souvenir items. But I will never forget that it is with the flag of Australia that my collection has started! I thank you, Trevar, my friend!

Answering the request of my friend let me tell you a few words about myself. I will turn 15 in August 2011. It so happened, that I had my first book “On a Swing among the Hills” published when I was 13 (a short passage is available here: ) The Russian “Agraph” publishing house immediately proposed that I have my book published. It was such an unexpected experience for me; however, it was the decision that had really inspired me. The book “On a Swing among the Hills” has been read by Dmitry Medvedev, the President of Russia. The President gave me a photobook of his own as a present and wished me every creative success. I promised that I would not stop at what I have accomplished.

My next book “Rainbow for a Friend” was written as told from the guide dog’s point of view, Trisong, the Labrador. (passages from the book are available here: ) Being a dog, he told about his work, his adventures, and about hard life of blind individuals. The book was highly appreciated by the readers. At present, its additional edition is being prepared. Besides, “Rainbow…” has been taken notice of by well-known political figures of Russia, actors, TV and radio anchormen. Sergey Mironov, the Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia has funded the book edition printed in Braille. We distributed the book free of charge throughout all the Russian schools and libraries for visually impaired. Alexander Plushev, a well-known TV anchor in Russia, recorded an audio version of the book, so that all those visually impaired may listen to the audio book "Rainbow for a Friend."

It was quite recently, that I finished my second book, “Twelve Touches to the Horizon”, which is a continuation of my first one. The message of this book is that it is Love that will save the world. This is what I am absolutely sure of. It is only love and friendship, which makes us genuine people. And people, being genuine, will never be at war or quarrel with each other.

May I address my fellow teenagers in Australia. Dear friends! If you have interesting stories to tell, feel free to write or tell them, just don’t be shy. It may happen that not everything works out fine from the first attempt, and your work may even not be published. Never mind. We have Internet today. If we know more about each other, about different cultures of various nations, know the joys and problems of each other, we are sure to become friends and will love each other. May I wish you all happiness, success, health, and, most importantly, Love!

It is Love that will save and safeguard our planet, our world, and our life.

Yours sincerely,

Misha Samarsky

School No. 1239, Moscow, Russia

My web site:

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Journalists Funny. Well, the name came up .. )))

And for me let the pot call, just to the furnace was put in prison. ))))))))


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Attention! February 18, 2011 will be held simul with the 12 th World Chess Champion!

18 февраля в 10:00, 12-я чемпионка мира по шахматам, Александра Костенюк conducts
Address: per. Vspolny, 6. Art. Subway - Barrikadnaya.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Meet Daria Dontsova on the transfer of Andrei Malakhov's "Let Them Talk."

Today was filming the next Andrei Malakhov's "Let them talk." As always, many new and interesting dating. Met with State Duma of the Russian Federation Mikhail Petrovich Nenashev. The program involved the singer Marina Klebnikov. Finally met in real life with tvitteryaninom and photographer Ruslan Roshchupkin.

And, of course, met with colleagues in the shop! ))))

Meet - The queen of ironic Detectives "Darya Dontsova! We had friends in twitter.

about the exit time of the broadcast will report further. And yet I do not know.


Monday, February 14, 2011

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in our school № 1239 (Moscow) There was a terrible tragedy ...

February 13 to 52 year of his life was tragically killed Tatiana Pavlova, a wonderful teacher and a permanent classroom teacher.

More than 25 years Tatiana gave life to children and their loyal and dedicated service of national education.
Tatiana was a wise, sensitive, demanding and understanding teacher. Able to approach each student, to imbue them with the love of mathematics, a sense of responsibility and diligence, she could listen, help protect.
It was helpful, friendly and open person who loves his work, children, family and friends, for which the Christian commandments were a natural law of life.

absurd, unjust accident cut short the life of a beautiful woman in the prime of her.

Our entire team shocked by the tragedy трагедией и глубоко скорбит вместе с ее близкими.


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panda puma @ 2011-02-14T09: 44:00

I would like to have warmer. Just like that. Then I could go out somewhere, no big warm jackets and scarves, you do not freeze. You could go into the forest, or the Danube, and simply drifting from a warm wind can be. To sit on the grass and wait for the rain. When the rain comes, slowly perhaps, you feel the first drops on the skin, and is very excited because starts like a storm. Quickly find and then flee under trees, or one runs home. From wherever, you see the storm indicated. But it is not cold and bitter. It passes and it is warm again. But fresh warm. Yes, I would like to have warmer.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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the human body. FACTS AND FIGURES

Originally posted by [info] mcgan at the human body. FACTS AND FIGURES

What we know about ourselves? That more than half composed of water? What if you sell all the minerals that make up man, it will pull a few bucks? Scientists give a more precise answer. ( Read on ... )

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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fond memory of Joseph Brodsky dedicate.

Life - hills, hills,
Plain - Is always death ...

Well, let him pluck the drop from the sky,
him hit the shot in the chest.
Even if the profit flow into fiction,
anyway ago not rotate.

Stars let frustrated with cornice »,
Here, we never let them find it.
Give me a life-long visa,
To go beyond the pale.

Give Visa space and depth,
Glance touch the Earth's core.
and hills, rivers and valleys -
All I want to see inside.

Time and space are leaving,
of the fragments bright light,
from the ruins of a lost paradise,
Hill construc I am to you.

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Those guys myself, I'm sunk! ))) To Australia .... well, news ... )))

Today unexpectedly received a package from Australia. My Australian friend Trevar made an unexpected surprise - it turns out, in Australia in English-language journal "Writers Voice" (similar to the tweeter's: - ))))))))))

published little article about my work. A small but nice. ))))

My friend tvitteryanin @ Pauljacksn did the translation. To remove oil-oily, I'm something a little cut, that's what happened:

Recently, one of the participants of the Moscow Writers Union had introduced me with a very talented young man, Misha Samara. I would like to acquaint you with them and, moreover, that he have something to share.

Michael wants to become a real writer. Mike has published several books and individual stories, though he's only 13 years (The article was written before my 14 birthday - MS). I read one of the His books on his radio. We are constantly in touch with Misha.

literary organizations, and the Moscow Writers' Union gave Mishina talent very much appreciated.

Sam Michael said that the material for his works, he gets a hearing, "eavesdropping" of people. Simply it is very attentive to what people say and do. That's what I always advise writers. Take a notebook and write down thoughts that come to you to mind when observing people describe you found Valais, record favorite sayings, etc.
every day, coming out of the house, you can learn Hundreds of thoughts. Amazing characters, which may form the basis of books, literally surround us, you only need to follow closely the world around us.

I often sat in a park on the Circular Quay or next to the ferry and just watching the many different people pass me, always making notes and even small sketches of interesting typecasting.
Misha puts all this information in his laptop, where it is stored, waiting in the wings.

He does not publish this information all at once, otherwise, he said, would have made that a million pages, but much of the information accumulated Michael uses.
Misha is very modest, not boast of his talent and achievements.
He has participated in various television and radio, giving interviews about him written many articles in newspapers and magazines.

«Rainbow for a friend" - is an amazing story, as set out on behalf of the dogs, about a teenager and his guide dog. I liked the tale.
Misha plans to stage a play based on the story, as well as interested in making a film.

In our age of universal computerization of the more pleased to see this young man as Misha, so talented, motivated and enthusiastic. Misha is very serious about the creative process of writing books, he already has ideas about several new works.

As a teenager, Michael, of course, constantly uses computers and Internet technologies. It has its own website , Misha, you can find a number of other Internet addresses , many links in the network also indicate his name.

In my opinion, Michael - a wonderful example for young and older writers. I would like to acquaint our readers with this talented young man and bring to their attention that in the younger generation has a lot of things you can admire, though, often, about young people expressed only in a negative context. Hopefully, Mike will continue in the future on the path of developing their talent and become famous Russian writer.

We will in the future with him more than once met.

Trevor Lenglends (Trevar Langlands)


Friday, February 11, 2011

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Russian president and his assistant - the main and the best Bloggers runet. Photos, videos.

Sorry, немного с опозданием, но всё же пройти мимо такого события не could. Yesterday I was invited to the awards ceremony, the Contest "Blog Runet-2011. Guests were a lot. A huge hall of the restaurant "Casta diva" was scored to failure.

Now known blogger Anton box opens the event.

course, all interested in the question "Who is this year Runet users call the main blogger? ". As in the past year he was the president of Russia DA Medvedev. Voting took place online, so to doubt the fairness of the decision is not necessary. But the best blogger among public officials was elected Assistant to the President Arkady Dvorkovich. So that Arkady Vladimirovich had to get two degrees at once - and for himself and for his boss.

Unfortunately, Moscow's traffic jams do not know the ranks and insignia. Arkady Dvorkovich bit late, but the present was received with understanding. Here is video clip speech assistant to the president.

Arkady Vladimirovich we communicate on the Internet for a long time, and on the eve of the New in 2011 he even agreed to give me an interview.

one thing to talk on the phone, blogs, and quite Other - communication in real life. After the award with pleasure to congratulate the winner. According to tradition, and photo.

My report from the Traffic Police Noginsk District «Nine laps GIBDaDa", published by Echo of Moscow, was also nominated, but, apparently, to awards, I have not yet matured. And do not worry - there are over than to work.

Some winners unable to attend the awards, but bloggers - people are resourceful, some pre-sent a video message and said: "If you watch this video, it means we won," This movie was sent from England:

to the ceremony did not become boring and routine activities Organizers made sure that the audience is not bored. To the stage known musicians, singers and even comedians from The Comedy Club. "

Very funny witty and well-known ernichal Havre:

hard to imagine a holiday without the famous blogger and radio Ekho Moskvy Alexandra Ivy, which was presented the award to one of the winners.

not spared and the main award "rowdy." Remember the story about the 30 million criminals "Vkonakte? Here he is the most controversial blogger runet:

here in the hall was carried live coverage of Twitter:

awards ceremony was very organized and interesting. Among the guests were many prominent people. All communicated easily and, as usual among bloggers, without straining, and pathos.

With great joy he met his girlfriend Alexandra Kosteniuk - 12 world champion in chess. By the way, we had agreed that she would soon hold in our School simul. Now we look forward to such an interesting match. Our school champions are preparing for battle.

I will not list of all winners, I think you will easily find all the information in runet.

Alas, any action comes to an end. Say goodbye to friends was sad. We so rarely encounter in real life. But farewell brightened the photos from the most beautiful girls at the same time very active bloggers.

In conclusion, I want to thank the host the awards ceremony Anton Korobkova for the invitation.

Dear bloggers! Let's meet more often. To not talk about communication in the network, but real meetings still enjoyable.

Sincerely Mike Samara.

PS If someone need more information, video and photos, please contact me on mail:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Childhood ended - hello, adult life!

Do your parents a gift.

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turns out that animals also not averse to a drink and have fun. )))

Sent My friend from Australia. Pin!

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Feature from school! Those guys imagine what I'm positive!

Feature issued at the request of the Commission PDN (juvenile).

Thank you, my dear teacher! I never thought that you have for me this opinion. But I do not relax. I know that I still have to work and work on yourself. But today, understood one thing: my childhood was over ...

Dear readers of my LJ, my dear readers my books, you do not think that I have placed this post in order to boast of. Simply too much lately poured dirt on me on the Internet. Now only understand what is really going after the success of envy, lies and slander.

But I am - strong! Not so easy my envious enemies and put me on Shoulder ...

Thank you friends for your support and your love!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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End of days? The fox

In the night I dreamed again of the end of the world. Oh God, I really do not know why, but that was certainly the third dream in the new year. It is sometimes not that bad, but today was really disgusting. The earth opened, and I and my old school classmate with whom I am no longer friends, have fought for our lives. Perhaps this is also the fact that I just "Quo Vadis?" Reading, which are very pretty hot up in the arena, and all killed. At any rate flowed across lava, hot and hissing, a few have tried to escape into the upper floors, but everything has wobbled. Well, in the end I'm not dead, but woke with a fright. I really do not think at this 2012-the-world-is-under-nonsense, but such dreams .. care. Just try not to think about!

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Your eyes are like the ocean
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they've set in motion
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What mystery what secret lies
fire in your eyes so brown
awakening this star
desire with all my heart I want to drown

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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